Monday, February 2, 2015

Terraria for Wii U!

Hey guys! Today I have some exciting news for you from GameFly and Amazon. We may be getting Terraria for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS!

If you don't know what Terraria is, it's a 2D sandbox game that shares many similarities to MineCraft, except that it has more of a fighting and quest aspect to it with goals to accomplish and bosses to defeat. If you have never heard of it, I would recommend going to and learning more.

Anyways, Terraria has always been known for being on lots of platforms. It is an Android, Samsung, and IOS app; it is a PC game; it is for the the Plays Station and PS Vista; and it is on XBox. But, similarly to MineCraft, what is it leaving out: Nintendo. I have a feeling this is more of a Nintendo problem than a Terraria one. Nintendo has always had a very closed off market, with games not exclusively Nintendo produced being limited. But, that may soon change.

GameFly, a videogame rental website, recently added Terraria for Wii U and 3DS to its lineup of games. This immediately makes on think that the game could be in the process of being released. While it was soon take off of GameFly's website, it is now listed on Amazons website. It has no picture, has a price of $29.99 (not thirty, its 29.99 *eyeroll-at-cheap-selling-techniques*), and is expected for release on October 31, 2015 which can be seen by going to

Oh, and there is one last really exciting piece of news regarding the release of this new game: It's gift wrap available! Nothing makes one happier to tear open a gift wrapped package so hey- might as well!

While it may be a while to wait, I am very excited for the possibility of this great platformer hitting my favorite videogame company of all time: Nintendo (even if I do already have the mobile and PC version). While I may not get it, I'm thrilled Nintendo may begin ushering in new and popular 3rd party games, which could both benefit gamers and Nintendo's industry. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!


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