Lets Play

Animal Crossing New Leaf


Dear Diary,
Today was so much fun in my town Snikey. It was just a normal day up until the night. I slept late and stayed inside all day. But then Raymond arrived from Las Vegas. 

First, since it was late, we headed over to Club LOL. We danced to the music  until we finally got tired of jumping. K.K. Slider is the best! 

After that we continued the party around town, but since it was so late we could only keep the party going in the mail shop. But boy did we get that party started!

After that we finally got tired of the boring main island and headed over to the tropics! Thankfully Raymond picked up the tab.

Finally (after much trolling) I convinced Raymond to get in the boat. So then we sailed across the ocean listening to some fine tunes by Kapp'n. 

After hearing more than one sour note from Kap, we arrived at the island. Unfortunately,it wasn't as smooth as we hoped when we got there. We had a pretty big disagreement with some brat that was the daughter of the island front desk worker. Trade a banana for 2 bells? NO WAY! 

After that we headed outside and tried to catch some bugs, although we didn't have the greatest aim...

After a day of few catches (because I cut down all the trees) we headed out on a tour. 

We didn't do well on the fishing tour, but we did amazing on the bug catching and balloon shooting tour.

After a long and tiresome night we decided to head back to the mainland with another song by Kapp'n. Needless to say that sure woke us up.

After much debate we decided to go to Las Vegas, which was Raymond's home town. The train took a while to arrive, but it was well worth it. 

After that we didn't do much, but I HAD to check out Las Vegas' own coffee shop. I love that little shop, and especially the guy who runs it. Unlike all of the other citizens in Animal Crossing, this owl had a nice, deep voice. He some how convinced me to spend 400 bells on coffee cups.

After Raymond finally got me off my coffee addiction, we went to some shops around town that were still open since he was on a 3 hour time difference.

Like all good things, the night finally came to an end and I took the last train home to Snikey, leaving Raymond to finally get some rest.

Finally I dragged myself back into my house, but then crashed in front of the TV.

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