Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fanbase growing!

Hey guys! Fencer6 here! Today I have some exciting news for the viewers of this blog: we have a pretty large fan-base!

I was looking at my statistics and found a great surprise! We are growing in the number of people viewing this blog! It seems like everyday we have several people view this blog from all over the world, which is very exciting. Yes, I know that the internet is a big place that connects 3 billion people, but just knowing that a few people out there really read my work is amazing. And it isn't just the US either! There are many very loyal viewers all across the world! Namely, Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia, Poland, Australia, the UK, Brazil and Malaysia are some of my largest non-American based viewers in the world. I thank all my viewers for, well being viewers!

And, in honor of that, I am making a promise: there will be at least one post on this blog per week!

This is huge for me. Many times, I go through cycles, making lots of blog posts for one month, and then not typing a word for another. I know this is probably killing my blog, so I will post at least weekly.

And no, this is not just a 'I'm gonna try' thing. Because, if I want a successful website, then there is no try. There is only do, or do not. And I'm going to do. I promise. If I decide to stop this policy one day, then I will make a formal blog-post announcement, although I plan to stick to this for a while at least.

Thank you, all of my viewers. I hope you like this. Please stay tuned, and have a great night.

This has ended. For my latest posts, please visit fencer6blog.blogspot.com. Thank you, and sorry.

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