Saturday, February 14, 2015

Star Wars comics

Live long and prosper Star Wars fans! (Lol that would've made a hardcore fan flip out!) Anyway, I have exciting Star Wars news, as well as exciting Marvel comics news! That's because that Marvel is now doing a line of Star Wars comics series that are just releasing!

Can wait for Star Wars Episode VII? While the movie is still a while away, you don't have to wait in order to get new Star Wars content! Marvel has announced three new Star Wars comic series (one of which is a mini-series), all taking place during the rebel era (20 BBY-20 ABY approximately). One series depicts the life of Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewy between episodes four and five. The second depicts the life of Darth Vader around the same time after the destruction of the death star, allowing Star Wars fans to take a look into the side of the Empire. Last is a new mini-series, once more taking place after the destruction of the Empires largest weapon in Yavin, we take a look into the life of Princess Leia after the destruction of Alderaan.

Dark Horse Comics

Darth Vader (2015-) #1Star Wars (2015-) #1Princess Leia (2015) #1

All three series look fairly interesting. In all honesty I am most excited for Darth Vader's new series, with a new look into the life of a character who is probably the most famous villain of all time and yet also one of the most mysterious (just don't try whatever he does at home kids!). Additionally, it has a very bright, bold and realistic art style to it, while the Star Wars series (middle comic) is more bright-and-cherry while still looking fairly real, and the Leia comic in what appears to be a very cartoonish, rocket-racconish style (referencing the style of the new Rocket Racoon series). 

Excited about the new release? Can't wait for these to come out? Well, you don't have to! The new Darth Vader series has just released its first issue this a few days ago, Star Wars released a month ago and has two issues already out, and Princess Leia... well, that one's scheduled for later this year. Still, I'm am very excited that these issues are already out and I will be able to enjoy them all year! 

To purchase or learn more about these issues, you can go to the following URL's!

In all honesty, I'm not shocked that Marvel is making these series. In the past, Dark Horse Comics has been known to publish all Star Wars comics much more than Marvel. But, with Disney's purchase of both Marvel and Star Wars, it was just a matter of time before they jumped back into the business. But there is one thing they all have in common, They all use IV characters. There is a 13,000,138 year long Star Wars history, and yet all character come from the 0 BBY time period (meaning they were alive during the attack on the Death Star). This could be because they wish to get a new generation familiar with the characters of the original trilogy before most of them return in episode 7. 

Whatever the reason, I am very happy about these comic's release, and can't wait to read them. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Imagine Dragons Smoke + Mirrors

Sup guys! Rocker6 here! Today I have a super exciting new post about Imagine Dragons! I know you guys usually listen to me blog about video games under the name of Fencer6, but today I wanna take a look at some music news and blog as Rocker6. Anyway, my all time favorite band, Imagine Dragons, is releasing a new album called Smoke + Mirrors on February 17! This is there second album since Night Visions, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I am absolutely thrilled to have them releasing a new album so soon! It looks like another Imagine Dragons style album, with various influences of sound. Listening to the previews, I heard some hard-rock, some soft and smooth, some deep and thoughtful, and some everything in between, although I really can't review it until I heard the whole thing several times over.

By the way, did I mention how REALLY excited about this I am? Well, I REALLY am. Imagine Dragons, is really thoughtful and deep, unlike some of there fellow artists whose songs are 90% chorus and really have no meaning, as much as we all like to "shake 'it' off". You can view some of the previews now by clicking on this link and opening it ITunes. Both Shots, Gold, and I Bet My Life have been fully released on ITunes.

Well, until it fully releases, thanks for reading and stay tuned. I can't wait to buy this!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Legend of Zelda TV series!

Hey everyone! Fencer6 here! Today I have some exciting news for fans of the Legend of Zelda (LoZ) franchise. Do you remember the 1990's live action Super Mario Bros. movie that was amazing and very well written?
Okay yeah, that movie sucked. But, here's one thing that might excite you: Netflix

Yep! Nintendo is teaming with Netflix in order to bring the Legend of Zelda series to the internet. They're making a live-action television LoZ series!

The show is said to be a 'Game of Thrones for families', making me think they will take the shots very seriously and have sets using actual castles and realistic battle scenes and costumes. But of course, we don't know much yet because... they haven't even actually wrote it.

Yeah, they're still looking for an author. So it could be a while before the show would hit Netflix, if at all. But, a note to Nintendo: If you're looking for a writer, please contact me. I'd be happy to apply!

I, and a lot of LoZ fans I'm sure, am hoping this becomes a reality. I would love Nintendo to try to do these things, as long as they don't totally ruin it. Until more is released on this though, stay tuned, and thanks for reading!


Friday, February 6, 2015

Anaheim News!

Sku! Fencer6 theck! That's Ewokese for 'Hello! Fencer6 here!' Today I have some exciting news for fans of the Star Wars series, but won't be able to go to the Star Wars celebration. I will be posting updates from the Star Wars Celebration 7 to my  blog!

That's right! You may have heard about the Star Wars Celebration from a post I released nearly a year ago. It is a convention filled with hardcore Star Wars fans all looking at vendors, artists, props, costumes, and screenings. Well, my family has decided to take a trip all the way from the east coast to California just to go to the celebration. But, I know that tickets are limited and many fans simply can't go to the event. So, I will be posting news, photos, and videos from within the convention center on the Friday and Saturday events. The celebration starts April 16 and ends the 19, although my updates will only be from the 17 & 18.

And, props aren't all. There will be showings from all of the six Star Wars movies, the original trilogy all in 3D. Additionally, there will also be a screening of Star Wars Rebels Season 2 early premier, a Disney XD animated series that takes place between episodes 3 and 4. I will try and post a plot summary for this if I see it, although I will be sure to give a giant SPOILER ALERT before posting. 

I will try to take pictures of everything I can there and post it at the end of each day, as well as a quick synopsis of exciting events that occurred that day. I am also trying to get a public social media account, which I would post important photos to in real time. If I can get this account, I will post the user name to this site. 

Thanks for reading, stay tuned, and may the force be with you! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fanbase growing!

Hey guys! Fencer6 here! Today I have some exciting news for the viewers of this blog: we have a pretty large fan-base!

I was looking at my statistics and found a great surprise! We are growing in the number of people viewing this blog! It seems like everyday we have several people view this blog from all over the world, which is very exciting. Yes, I know that the internet is a big place that connects 3 billion people, but just knowing that a few people out there really read my work is amazing. And it isn't just the US either! There are many very loyal viewers all across the world! Namely, Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia, Poland, Australia, the UK, Brazil and Malaysia are some of my largest non-American based viewers in the world. I thank all my viewers for, well being viewers!

And, in honor of that, I am making a promise: there will be at least one post on this blog per week!

This is huge for me. Many times, I go through cycles, making lots of blog posts for one month, and then not typing a word for another. I know this is probably killing my blog, so I will post at least weekly.

And no, this is not just a 'I'm gonna try' thing. Because, if I want a successful website, then there is no try. There is only do, or do not. And I'm going to do. I promise. If I decide to stop this policy one day, then I will make a formal blog-post announcement, although I plan to stick to this for a while at least.

Thank you, all of my viewers. I hope you like this. Please stay tuned, and have a great night.

This has ended. For my latest posts, please visit Thank you, and sorry.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Terraria for Wii U!

Hey guys! Today I have some exciting news for you from GameFly and Amazon. We may be getting Terraria for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS!

If you don't know what Terraria is, it's a 2D sandbox game that shares many similarities to MineCraft, except that it has more of a fighting and quest aspect to it with goals to accomplish and bosses to defeat. If you have never heard of it, I would recommend going to and learning more.

Anyways, Terraria has always been known for being on lots of platforms. It is an Android, Samsung, and IOS app; it is a PC game; it is for the the Plays Station and PS Vista; and it is on XBox. But, similarly to MineCraft, what is it leaving out: Nintendo. I have a feeling this is more of a Nintendo problem than a Terraria one. Nintendo has always had a very closed off market, with games not exclusively Nintendo produced being limited. But, that may soon change.

GameFly, a videogame rental website, recently added Terraria for Wii U and 3DS to its lineup of games. This immediately makes on think that the game could be in the process of being released. While it was soon take off of GameFly's website, it is now listed on Amazons website. It has no picture, has a price of $29.99 (not thirty, its 29.99 *eyeroll-at-cheap-selling-techniques*), and is expected for release on October 31, 2015 which can be seen by going to

Oh, and there is one last really exciting piece of news regarding the release of this new game: It's gift wrap available! Nothing makes one happier to tear open a gift wrapped package so hey- might as well!

While it may be a while to wait, I am very excited for the possibility of this great platformer hitting my favorite videogame company of all time: Nintendo (even if I do already have the mobile and PC version). While I may not get it, I'm thrilled Nintendo may begin ushering in new and popular 3rd party games, which could both benefit gamers and Nintendo's industry. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!
