Monday, May 19, 2014

Super Smash Bros. Female Villager Confirmed and more!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't made as much Super Smash Bros. news as I'd like, but here I have a new chunk of news for you to see below!

Female Villager

Firstmost, and debatably the biggest news released in the past week or so was the Female Villager from animal crossing. We had already seen the male villager in action, which is usually the games main logo, but many people began wondering if a female version would be playable. Well,now it has been confirmed! Additionally, another form of both the female and male villager will be available, which would make since because that in animal crossing you can change around your look. The female villager will not be a different character, which is a bit of a disappointment, but instead another form, like wireframe mac. The question is, would these be considered a 'form' that you could select from, or the default you have to be if there is another villager out there. For example, when you played Brawl, if someone had already selected Kirby you had to go as a different colored Kirby, like yellow. So, if someone else has selected male villager red, does that mean you have to choose one of the females or the yellow villager? Or will there be 4 different colors of each of the variations of villagers? It seems doubtful. Either way, I know many Animal Crossing fans and female Super Smash Players are happy about the news. Until more news is released, check out the Gamexplain video below to learn more about the news!

Play As The Girl Villager In Super Smash Bros.

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