Friday, May 16, 2014

Rising Fist cards revealed!

We have some new news on the cards in rising fist! First off, we finally got a picture of the Rising Fist Packs! The art design includes a Hawlucha, M Heracross, M Lucario, and Tyrantrum (YES!).
Furious Fists Booster Packs with Hawlucha, Mega Heracross, Mega Lucario, and Tyrantrum

Aside from the pack art (which does look pretty cool), lots of cards have just been officially announced! Below are the EX Pokemon and their translations!

Hawlucha-EX - Fighting - HP130

Basic Pokemon

Ability: Retribution
If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack, put 2 damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon.

[F][C][C] Moonsault Stomp: 60+ damage. This attack does 40 more damage if there is a Stadium in play.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
                                                             Retreat: 2

Lucario-EX - Fighting - HP180
Basic Pokemon

[F] Scud Jab: 30 damage. This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Resistance.
[F][F] Screw Blow: 60 damage. You may draw cards from your deck until you have 6 cards in your hand.
[F][F][F] Somersault High: 100 damage.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

M Lucario-EX - Fighting - HP220
Mega Evolution - Evolves from Lucario-EX

When 1 of your Pokemon becomes a Mega Evolution, your turn ends.

[F][F][F] Rising Fist: 140 damage. Discard 1 Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
                                                             Resistance: none
                                                             Retreat: 2

To start off, I think that Hawlucha-EX looks extremly epic, but just isn't that powerful. Its only attack does a mere 60 damage (+40 if there's a stadium) for three energy, which pretty much sucks. And it's ability is the same as Bouffalant, so that was a bit of a downer too. Although, I'll cut it some slack since it is the promo for the Lucario box. As for Lucario-EX I found him fairly interesting because that he had three attacks. We haven't seen that in years, so to see them bringing it back is pretty cool. It's attacks are fairly good- nothing ground shattering to the TCG as we know it, but at least it can attack good without having to be mega-evolved. Speaking of M Lucario, I think it is fairly good, but not as good as M Charizard X and Y. Sure this guys better than M Blastoise and M Venusaur, but since it's non-mega version seemed so good I was expecting a little bit more. Plus he was one of my favorites. But he may become even better because of the below supporters/stadiums/energy.

Strong Energy - Special Energy

This card can only be attached to a [F] Pokemon. As long as it's attached to a [F] Pokemon it provides 1 [F] Energy. Attacks from the Pokemon this card is attached to do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon. Discard this card if the Pokemon this card is attached to is no longer [F].

Fighting Stadium - Trainer

The attacks of each player's Active [F] Pokemon do 20 more damage to Active Pokemon-EX (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.

Korrina - Trainer


Search your deck for 1 [F] Pokemon and 1 Item card, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).

These cards, which aren't great on their own, work together perfectly. You can attach the 'Strong Energy' to M Lucario, put 'Fighting Stadium' into play, and M Lucario's attack does 220 for three energy! And, if you add in a muscle band and do even more, especially if they do end up coming out with a M Ampharos, which would be weak to fighting! And of course if you need a trainer card or more energy you can play Korrina, which is basically a Skyla and Energy Search combined, even though it can only search for fighting energy! Put all of this together and you could have a pretty sick fighting deck.

Overall I think that this news is very promising and I hope we continue getting good cards for the next set. Until then, you can see my last post where I talked about the Rising Fist set announcement and the new Lucario box that will be coming out soon! Also, I have included Pancham and Pangoro, which aren't that good so I decided not to discuss them thoroughly but are still cool, of course (#Avoidinghatercommentsfrompancamlovers).

Pancham - Fighting - HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Rowdy Evolution: If you have a [D] Pokemon on your Bench, search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from this Pokemon and place it on top of this Pokemon. (This counts as evolving that Pokemon.) Shuffle your deck afterwards.
[F][C][C] Moxie: 30 damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Pangoro - Fighting - HP100
Stage 1 - Evolves from Pancham

Ability: Skin of the Leader
While this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, its maximum HP is increased by 20 for each of your Benched Pokemon.

[F][F][C] Crazy Knuckle: 80+ damage. If this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, this attack does 40 more damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Thanks to PokeBeach for the translations! Information from: ‘Rising Fist’ Officially Announced, Several Cards Revealed!

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