Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Diancie, Hoppa, and Volcanion news revealed!

Hey guys, Fencer6 here with some exciting Pokemon news! Lately we've been doing a lot of Pokemon TCG news, but today I have some new news for the video game! And no, it isn't Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. We finally have more news on Pokemon X and Y! Over two and half months ago we did a post on Diancie, Hoppa, and Volcanion (which you can view by clicking here), and finally some more news has emerged. A few months ago, hackers broke into Pokemon X and Y's coding and reveled Diancie's unique move Diamond Storm, as well as revealing that Diancie will be a mystery gift, both of which you can see in the videos below.

But this isn't the only news. There is a lot more recent news that has only been recently revealed. Hackers from revealed new information regarding the new legendary trio. The newest of which is Hoopa's event. Below we have a transcript of the conversation you have with a man in the Parfum Palace with a 'special Hoppa' in your party. You can see the transcript below.

"The Pokémon called Hoopa is linked to many of the unexplained supernatural events that have occurred in this world. My search for Hoopa has led me to this library."
"No way! Could that be the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa that you have there with you?" Options: Yes | No
No: "Oh, I was mistaken? Sorry about that..."
Yes: "Whoaaa! I can’t believe it’s true! See, I travel around the world, trying to solve its many mysteries. I’ve been researching supernatural events that have occurred over the last 100 years. One thing I’ve found is that the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa is connected to many of these strange events! I’ve also managed to come across some information about the mysterious power that Hoopa appears to wield. So, without further ado, I’d like to share my findings with you! After all, you’re actually traveling with Hoopa--the very subject of my research!" Options: Its                                                                                               mysterious rings | The secret of its lair | Its deeds and                                                                                     exploits | Nothing

Its mysterious rings: "It’s said that Hoopa can use the power of the three rings it adorns itself with to move objects about as it pleases... That’s not all! I’ve also heard that when Hoopa unleashes its full power, the size of the rings can grow up to multiple miles in length! With such massive rings, apparently it can transport even entire islands!"

The secret of its lair: "It’s said that Hoopa’s lair is overflowing with the objects and treasures it nabbed over the years, claiming them for its own. Rumor has it that there are mountains of gold and silver treasures that it took from ancient kings and wealthy land barons. I hear that Hoopa’s lair is in an oasis in the desert, but no one’s been able to find the place!"

Its deeds and exploits: "There’s a tale about an organization that tried to manipulate Hoopa’s power for their own benefit. After a while, certain objects that belonged to the organization mysteriously began to disappear. Everything from weapons and vehicles to money... It all began to vanish one by one. The organization got scared and decided to hole up inside of their headquarters. Once they did, things stopped disappearing! Just like that! Relieved that it was finally over, the organization finally decided to step outside. It was then that they discovered their headquarters had been transported wholesale to somewhere in the middle of a desert! Terrified of what they had unleashed, the organization promptly disbanded."
"Whether Hoopa becomes a trustworthy partner or ends up bringing about great misfortune depends entirely on the Trainer. I hope you don’t forget that. I think Hoopa’ll turn out right as rain with you at its side, though! You look like a Trainer who knows how to take care of his Pokémon and treat ’em right. Well, I hope you end up having lots of fine adventures with Hoopa! Have fun!"

Also, Volcanion and Diancie have had their event revealed as well, which you can see below.

Finally, I got to know our editor in chief. She finished her research about the Mythical Pokémon Volcanion and came back to the office.

Whoa! S-sorry! I was so surprised! I’ve been looking for Volcanion for 15 years. And finally, finally, I met a Trainer who’s traveling with it! I traveled everywhere to gather the information about Volcanion and put together a memo. I’ll let you read the memo. But just for you, because it’s top secret. Do you want to read the top-secret memo about Volcanion? Which part of the memo do you want to read?

My top-secret memo about Volcanion... If you’re Volcanion’s Trainer, I wouldn’t mind you reading it.

A memo marked as “Top Secret” is on the desk.

On the XXth day of the XXth month at the Pokémon Day Care on Route 7: About the extraordinary power that Volcanion is said to possess. Discussed it with a top Breeder who’s very familiar with the ecology of Pokémon and drew the following deduction. In order to cause a steam explosion powerful enough to blow up mountains, the Pokémon must have an organ with extremely high temperature that can instantly vaporize water to steam. That kind of organ is unheard of in the ecology of Pokémon, but Volcanion may have it...

On the XXth day of the XXth month at the Pokémon Center in Camphrier Town: Interviewed a Trainer who says he witnessed a Pokémon that could be Volcanion when he was stranded in a mountain. According to the Trainer, a huge Pokémon’s shadow appeared suddenly. Two huge armlike limbs that could crush even the land extended from its back, and from their tips, something that looked like smoke belched out and made the fog around the Pokémon even thicker. The Trainer said the Pokémon’s shadow slowly disappeared into the fog.

On the XXth day of the XXth month at Café Kizuna in Lumiose City: In the southern part of the Kalos region, there seems to be a custom to revere Volcanion as a nation-building Pokémon. People seem to believe that a steam explosion caused by Volcanion created the plain where they live. As a matter of fact, a huge mountain range suddenly disappeared due to an unexplained explosion in that part of the region in the past...

If you feel like reading my memo, come visit me anytime. Volcanion seems to trust you. I want you and Volcanion to travel together as good partners to each other!

Finally is Diancie, even though this was revealed a while back:

Please wait, (sir/miss).

I apologize for stopping you suddenly. But the Pokémon you just received is surely the Mythical Pokémon Diancie, isn’t it?

Diancie... A sudden mutation of a Carbink. The probability and mechanism of its origin are still veiled in mystery.

The Pokémon Diancie is synonymous with beauty. Its body absorbs light with a perfect balance and gives off a radiance that looks like nothing in this world.

In order to see that beauty, our master has been looking for Diancie for a long time. We are also very keen on taking Diancie to our master... That desire kept us going and led us here. Let me get straight to the point. Would you kindly give us your Diancie?

No way! All right...

Is there some way we can persuade you? Hmmm... Is there any way... Oh! I’m so glad you’re so understanding. Then... Wait. M-master?! I’m sorry for troubling you.

You... I truly appreciate your efforts in seeking Diancie for me. But...

What you can truly value is not something you can get by depriving somebody of a relationship. You should get it by your own actions, by your own efforts, or sometimes simply by your own luck. Then it will have true value.

To be honest with you, I envy you. But more importantly, I’d like to congratulate you on meeting Diancie and becoming travel partners. Congratulations.

Legend has it that Diancie protects its travel partners from accidents and illnesses. I wish you good luck and hope you can keep traveling together.

You two... Sorry, I shouldn’t keep relying on you, but please help me find my Diancie.

Information from: Hoopa’s Lore Finally Revealed: Hoopa Event Uncovered in X/Y Coding and Hacking Reveals Diancie Mystery Gift Event + Diamond Storm

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