Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Voltorb- A possessed haunter?

A fan theory is floating around that maybe Voltorb is a possessed Pokemon. They say that it may be possed by a Haunter. At first glance, this theory was first came up with because of the fact that they have the exact same eyes.

Once you look at the theory closer, it makes more sense. This would explain why Voltorb looks so much like a pokeball- because it really is one, but a Haunter just possessed it. To help the theory, just look at the location of the pokeball factory to the haunted tower, where Haunter is. Would it be so impossible for the Haunter to have wondered into the Pokeball Factory and got himself trapped? And maybe it is always exploding in anger because it is trapped and can't escape.

While none of this has been proven, I must say it is very possible and that Nintendo might have been hinting at it all along. THINK ABOUT IT 

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