Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hyrule warriors

Legend of Zelda's newest game Hyrule Warriors, is set to soon be coming to the Wii U. Although there is only one trailer out as of right now, my good friends over at GameExplain has sucked every bit of revealed footage into over half an hour of footage. (Okay, so they don't really know who I am. But I know who they are!) You can see them below, along with the official trailer.

There is lots of debate about the quality of this game. Many think it will ruin the Legend of Zelda series by making it just a flat out fighting game, while others are excited and say it's going to be awesome. I have to agree with the second group, personally. I think that the graphics and gameplay will be as top notch as usual, and that I think that, knowing Nintnedo, that they can make it a great mix of fighting and puzzle solving, and that it would perfect the series as opposed to destroying it. Besides, who cant be excited for a new Zelda game finally coming to the Wii U? I will try to release my own in depth Post/Video about Hyrule warriors, but in the meantime enjoy these other videos on the new game and I will try to get more news to you as it is released.

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