Monday, September 30, 2013

Game play photo leaks! Final form of Frokie revealed and so much more!

On Sunday September 29, two anonymous users posted convincing images of Game play from Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. Early in that morning, a poster leaked three images of the final evolution of Frokie, Greninga, and he or she also revealed the new Flying Fighting Pokemon Hawlucha, which has learned a new fighting move Flying Press, which has a PP of ten. The other user, while not reveling much, did show us a new Rock and fighting Pokemon called Binacle. While these could be faked, I believe, along with about 1000 others, that these are legit. How these two obtained X and Y, while not being trust worthy enough to keep it a secret, remains unknown. 
You can see the five images below:


XY New Area

Quilladin vs. Emolga

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