Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Truth about NPCs!

Have you ever felt good about defeating a high level NPC? Wanna brag about it to all your friends? Well, sorry to to rain on your parade, but you didn't actually defeat him in a fair match.


Yep. You heard me. He let you win. And he could have killed you EASY. But he was programmed to fail. The programs set it to not win, to cede to you. This is a computer your facing. Unless told to, it doesn't make mistakes. Take it like this. Say you slayed the Ender Dragon in Minecraft. You might feel proud about that. But you have to remember that your fighting a computer. They can make whatever they want happen. It could make the Enderdragon immortal, make you powerless, make it one shot you, make creepers fly through the wall, you name it. In fact, it could just kill you, and you not do anything, or crash your m

Recently, I've been working on the program for a soccer game. Everything seemed easy and a breeze, until I tried to program an NPC. It's easy to program it to win everything or lose everything, but it is hard to find a balance. You can program it to always go to defend the goal once the ball reaches the point were it can be shot so the other side never gets a point, or you can program it to always leave the goal open and never defend. So in the end, what you have to do is tell it to score and be boss, like, 50% of the time, and leave the goal open or give you a window of opportunity 50% of the time. So NPCs are literally made to fail and not do there best. 

The next time you defeat a high level boss and want to go brag to your friends, just remember he didn't give it his all. And that's why I always prefer multiplayer. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Super ton of Super Smash Bros. News! -Characters

Whoa. That's all I had to say about the most recent Nintendo direct. They were dedicating a whole direct to it, so I thought it would just be 15 minutes or so. But boy was I wrong. 45+ minutes- ALL OF SUPER SMASH BROS.!!! While of course I can't cover it all, I'm gonna try to hit the main specs so here we go! I'll be breaking up the news into different sections

New characters:
This is probably one of the biggest things people love hearing about. They revealed the following returning characters:
These guys aren't really a game changer but its nice they're returning. Plus, Yoshi now stands up on its feet. They talked about that for quite a while.
New Characters:

While this guy was the only 'new character' revealed, he's pretty darn awesome. He was already a boss character in the games, but now he's even cooler as a full on fighter! This guy is pretty OP if you ask me!                                                 
New and returning characters (depends on how you think about it):
Zero suit samus

WHAT?!?!?! I know what you're think and yes, they are their own characters. Which makes no sense. Sheik is Link and ZS Samus is Samus. How can fight each other? Now, I see why they did it. A lot of people wouldn't want to use Shieks move that turned them back into Link because Sheik was so boss. And in Samus' case, people didn't want to use his final smash because it would turn them into ZS Samus. But at least they gave ZS Samus rocket high heels. Still, if I see Samus fighting ZS Samus I'm gonna freak.

Well, that's all for today's news! Below is the complete roster we now have for SSB for Wii U and 3DS. Also, don't forget to watch the Direct if you haven't already, located at the bottom! Also, just for fun, I put in a video on speculation for upcoming unrevealed characters, even though I feel like they would have revealed most of them by now. See you next time!

Other-characters-donkey kong.gif
Other-characters-wii fit trainer.gif
Other-characters-toon link.gif
Other-characters-little mac.gif
Other-characters-zerosuit samus.gif

Nintendo, GameExplain, and Games Radar.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Super Smash Bros. Direct Coming!

Dying to know more about the new SSB game? Well wait no longer! Nintendo will be creating a Nintendo Direct just about the new SSB game! Hopefully they will reveal some new characters, abilities, and stages, and most of all hopefully a RELEASE DATE!!! It will be live tomorrow (4/8/14) at 3:00! To see it just go to I will hopefully make a post ASAP over viewing all that they said and have the video of the live stream on my blog. Stay tuned for more info soon!

You have what it takes to do commentary?

Dedicated fan? Pokemon Commentator? Love getting your face on TV? If you said yes to any of these questions then this is for you.

As they do every year, Pokemon is now looking for talented players to commentate for the Pokemon  National and Worlds championships! You get to give live commentary on screen about the competitors and how they play for thousands of Pokemon players around the world. If you know a lot about Pokemon and think you have what it takes you can sign up now using the information below from the official Pokemon website. Unfortunately, you have to be 18 years or older, but oh well. I'm gonna audition anyway!

The Pokémon Company International is looking for talented and knowledgeable Pokémon fans to lead live commentary at the 2014 Pokémon US National Championships and the Pokémon World Championships. Chosen commentators will be making an appearance on-screen at the events, which will be streamed live to thousands of Pokémon fans around the world, and will have their travel and hotel costs covered by The Pokémon Company International.
Auditions are open to US residents who are at least 18 years old and who can attend both the US National Championships, July 4-6 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the World Championships, August 15-17 in Washington, D.C.
To be considered, entrants must submit an audition video where they commentate solo or with a partner on a Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, or Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) match. The recorded video must then be posted to YouTube with the title "Play! Pokémon Commentary Audition: [YOUR NAME]". Once the video is posted, entrants need to email with the following information:
Email subject: Commentary Audition for [YOUR NAME]
TCG or Video Game:
Audition YouTube Link:
Pokémon event experience:
Additional comments:
All submissions must be posted online with information sent no later than April 21, 2014. As this is an audition and not a contest, The Pokémon Company International does not guarantee that any one person will be chosen from submitted entries.